Monday 14 December 2009

Tagged By Shirley!

I've been tagged!!! My first Tag, by NannieFlash, the lovely Shirley!!
And I have to disclose some of my Christmas traditions, aagh!! What are they?? sez me thinking very hard... Ummm, Get tree down from Attic (we used to have a real one but they just got too expensive! And we were still finding needle n July!!) Decorate tree and mostly the living room. Nag hubby to put lights up outside. Buy loads of pressies...wrap them up, put them under the tree. Buy food. Move all the rooms about so there's more bedrooms and a dinning room (Long story) Have everyone round for Christmas day. Open pressies and eat food!! Listen to the Queens Speech!! play Games. Wake up the Grandparents. Everyone who's not staying, goes home! Go to the Boxing Day Point to Point. There were loads of questions to go with this tag, but because I'm cheating and actually posting this post in January!!! to make this my 300th post of 2009! I'm going to go straight to the last one.
"What's your Favorite Christmas Film?" I rather like, It's A Wonderful Life' and for something a bit newer, "Love Actually" mainly because of the music.
I'm going to Tag Kazabing, Cozy Frog! Because Kaza gave me my very first blog award!


  1. Hi Lyn

    I found a post without a comment. Fancy being tagged by someone - I thought spyders were quick!!!

    Hugs Ali x

  2. Well done Ali!!

    Yes I was tagged by Shirley...i tagged Cozy Frog but I don't think she continued with it!!
    I'll be adding a few more no 'comments' Posts soon!!


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