Saturday 19 December 2009

A Snowy Merry Xmas

It doesn't happened in threes in my's usually closer to thirty-threes. The latest thing to go wrong after losing cards and not being able to re-find address's and then running out of decent sized blank cards is...the printer. I asked it to scan something, by pressing the appropriate button and it turned itself off and won't come on again! I've tried the usual things like pleading with it, bribery, pulling all the plugs out and putting them back again, checking the plug hadn't fused, all with help from Ozzie the little kitten but no joy! Luckily Missy, the other kitten is engrossed with the glitter ball sparkles hanging on the Christmas tree. There's hundreds of tiny glimmers of light reflecting all around the living room and she's trying to catch them! Anyway, no printer and of course having a printer is vital! (I'm thinking all my digi images and papers.) I haven't got to the sledge hammer stage yet but it's getting close! In this card I've used that Doodlebug paper again...I do like it! I've matted it onto green glitter card to add a bit of sparkle. The little stocking is a clear stamp from a set by Papermania I think, I'll pop back later and change that if it isn't and the wording is from a sheet of sticky letters by DoveCraft or Do-Craft...yes my craft room's in a mess as I'm in the middle of changing it back into a bedroom for Christmas and I can't find anything! Anyway, they're great letters, very easy when you need easy!(and I need easy at the moment!!) The only thing I would say is, there's not enough of the a's and e's. That's why there's a green 'Merry' and a red 'Xmas'.
I've entered this card into the PinkElephant's 'Christmas' Challenge, I've been blog hopping, and found some really nice Christmas cards!
That's it for now, oh 'Snowy' and his stocking were coloured in with Copic pens this time and there's a bit of Stickles glitter on his woolly hat and scarf. Back later to add more pictures and a few more cards. Thanks for stopping by. Have a grrrr-eat weekend!


  1. Don't things always go wrong when you need them most!! I assume you've tried yelling at it!!
    But a lovely card nonetheless.

  2. Love the card sorry about the printer, not sure when a printer became a 'must have' for a crafter but it is isn't it.
    Hope you get it all sorted, it's not to late to ask Santa for a new one is it?
    Have great Christmas,
    hugs Janie xxx

  3. What a gorgeous card Lyn,i love your image and papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  4. Fabulous card, Lyn! I love that stamp and the red green thing with the letters looks cool! Hope you get the printer problem sorted soon. My craft space is our big dining table, so it all needs putting away too. I'm dreading it, but I might find some of the things I've lost! Hope you have a wonderful christmas!

  5. Awwwwww - this is fab. Lyn - I can see why you love that little Snowy stamp so much. I think the red and green greeting looks great, so it was a good thing, not to have enough a's and e's"!
    Hope your printer sorts itself out PDQ (or maybe Santa will bring a new one)?, and hope the missing cards turn up too. Have a great Christmas - Lots of Love, Sylvia xxxxxxxxxxx

  6. Hi Lyn, you really are having problems at the moment, I hope you manage to get your printer sorted, I know how frustrating it is when they go wrong, been there this year myself. Love your snowman card, its gorgeous, well done with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxx

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your printer. When bribing does not help.. well, then maybe chocolate? Maby the printer has PMS?

    Your card looks great. This snowman always makes me smile, he is I think the jollyest snowman ever!

    I wish you and your family a very merry Christmas, and a happy new year!


  8. oh hun sorry about your printer,know this may sound daft but have you tried taking out the ink cartridges,and then blowing in the back of it to make sure there is no dust trapped in there as this happend to mine once and it worked not saying it will on yours but its worth a try,as for your card hun its brilliant so love the design hugs cheryl xxxxx

  9. Oh printers are a bore!!!!! I had trouble last week! LORVE your card tho Lynne Have a good time girkuie been missing lately but I am back!

    Liz xx

  10. Oh dear you have the gremlins don't you Lyn.

    Hope you get it sorted soon. Love the card too,have you tried looking in the print queue and cancelling everything?

    Cazzy x

  11. Hi Lynn

    Just popped on to say a massive thank you from my mum & dad for the beautiful christmas card,
    They would like to return the thanks theirselves but you did not put your addy on the envelope,
    So I am here saying thanks from them and from me,
    Happy Christmas and a even better new year

  12. Love this card Lyn, great background. Hope you sort your problems out. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  13. Thank you Claire, and a Merry Christmas to you and everyone!

  14. Hi dear as always beautiful,only to whish merry christmas and a happy new year lotsa love Laura

  15. Hope your printer is well, that Murphy guy can be a bit of a pain.
    Your card is adorable!


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