While John was out in the garden in the sunshine yesterday, attacking next door's monstrous bush, which was trying not only to grow over our shed but move in, I made a few more of the 'Fat Page with ATC ' for a forum swap. I wasn't sure what to do not having ever made a 'fat page' before, but had some nice 'hinges' and some blue ink blotted paper that I was dying to use. I still need to do a few more, but for some reason, my printer doesn't want to print the blotty paper, it only wants to save it. Strange! So I ended up scanning it first and then printing it out.

I hope it's been a lovely day where you are, it's been really sunny here, spring is really trying to take hold! Spotted three kestrel type birds were hovering over the back of our garden, probably spying on some mice in the fields or something bigger in the woods b

eyond all the houses. Yesterday morning one even swooped into our garden, did a swing around the bird table, a backward flip up through next doors apple tree and was gone in a brown blurr. Whether it grabbed a blue tit or a sparrow on it's way, I didn't see, it was that fast.
Today, after John had finished attacking next doors over ground shrub, another brown bird of prey, probably a Kestrel dived in from nowhere, but this time hit the fence and somersaulted backwards across the lawn, then, a little dazed and with the ease of a jump jet fighter plane, shot straight back

into the sky, and was gone. Definitely not the kind of bird I thought would be visiting my bird table!
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