Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Late 4 last weeks WOYWW-But Here's Todays!!#822 PlusT for Tuesday too!

This is a bit of a mishmash post! as this was really last weeks WOYWW!? #821...but I forgot to post! So scrap that! I was in the mood for covering I did! And there's a mug of hot chocolate so I can say 'hello' to T stands for Tuesday too!

I love how this little box turned's that yellow box's turn!
Here's the yellow wrap-around box covered in paper from Home Bargains I think.... It needs a bit more glue on those corners...doesn't it look so much better!
Salmon with salad
 Having a different breakfast on a little TV table with Tea drink. Even the bedrooms and the living room is filled with kitchen no room at all! Below is dinner, with tea...I think I'm getting better at cooking! John used to make Hunter's Chicken loads of times...
 Hunters Chicken
 Below, I still had to cover this small washing tablets box (even though it was two o'clock in the morning)...It's been hanging around for ages. (Ceri The Crafter covered one some time last year and I was shouting, yay! I've done that already!) I'd already painted gold on all the corners) And as you can see, my craft room worktop is a lot clearer! So! Hopefully, some real craft may start again very soon! I wanted to join in with Ceri's #MixedMediaMarch25 Challenge but just didn't have the time... there was sooo much to move about...but I'm hoping to join the challenge... Late! Seeing I'm always late! No one will notice!
Washing liquid table box
   This is todays post!! Happy WOYWW!? #822! And Happy Late T for Tuesday too...I'm House/dog sitting AND they've started the kitchen! have I said that already??  It's being delivered either today or tomorrow! Everything's been smashed up! Or recycled if possible. Exciting! But at the same time, a little sad. The breakfast bar's gone... All my own work on those tiles!

What will I craft on and where will I have my breakfast?? When it's gone!?
NO more passing cups of tea through the the hatch... (and no cats, dogs or children, jumping through it either!! (that's another story!) I never did find a place to put my inks!! Once I bought that shelving unit, (seen on the left) it was too big to go back where I had it before...(Changes in the craft room needed!) And!! where am I going to put all my Cornish pots??
Here's the Plans, I'm having different tites though. Plus my Tea drink for T for Tuesday! So, I'll keep you posted about the kitchen...
hatch door gone!
 This will be the very first 'real' kitchen this bungalow has ever had! Before it was just bits of wood with doors hanging from them...
   John and I did our best, with a second-hand sink unit, and some secondhand cupboards...but it was all one big 'bodge' so I'm looking forward to the end result! More next week! Happy WOYWW! And Happy T day too! Thank you for stopping by!

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Its A WOYWW!? Wednesday On A Thursday#820

 Happy WOYWW!? Morning Peoples! This post was set to go out ages ago, but I got sidetracked- but I have made something! I saw it being made over on  Youtube by Treasure Books, a little while back, another crafty crafter. She'll show you just how to make it! Very easy!What is it??? I'm calling it 'The continuing flip up, flip out, flip up  book!'

 using a magnetic clip on the fridge

I used only scraps of papers and card and added the belly band as well as the small brass coloured corners to the back board...

But what is it Lyn??? Patience my pretties! That front golden glittery topper piece was actually the inside of a rather ripped up envelope that a crafty friend sent me well over 15 years ago!! containing 'something.' (atcs I think) But I fell in love with the envelope and kept it...knowing it would be good for something one day! (Since typing this I've found some papers, almost the same) I used a stamp shape die to cut it out.
Here's the first page opened up. They all do this, getting bigger as you go up... I did have one page I glued wrong, but we won't mention that.

So there's loads of space to add notes and journaling. You could add this to your altered books or journal pages. (without the hard board backing)
You can see the pattern through the paper on this Pink Peticoat paper (remember them??)
Here's another one of their papers below...then I did a bit of inking and stenciling on the  next two as well.

You could add stamped words, or images or anything really.

I used a stencil on the inside of this one...

This is the back of the board, (not nessesary)  The papers for this came from a paper pad from Home Buys or Home Bargains, for £1:99, really bright colours with added gold. 

I've been sooo busy doing all kinds of things that I don't normally do, and just could not find time to post anything. I hope I haven't missed the Anniversary ATC swap! The Kitchen is going ahead the first week in March. (when I'm also House and dog sitting!) Lord knows where I'm going to put everything! Quite pleased with myself that I've got the fridge and freezer in the garage working  after two years! (touch wood!) so I can finally clear out the fridge freezer in the kitchen, which badly needs defrosting. (It'll probably need a snow plough!) Above, I needed some more work gloves.... more chumping to do in the garden. Now, would you believe-that double-sided paper with them, is the instuctions in 12 different languages, on how to use them!!! Hope you all are having a brilliant week so far! Happy Late WOYWW!? Thank you for stopping by!!

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

A Very Late T for Tuesday

Happy late T for Tuesday!  I know I've been away for ages, but 'things' happen! (Like, there's a new hole in the shed side of John's mancave letting in water. The new kitchen is starting in March, so I have to find somewhere to put all the kitchen stuff. And of course, the meter was moved from the inside to the outside...that took eight men...the diggerman, the soil removerman, the mover of the meter man, the reconecting meter man, the brick relayer man, and the barrier removeral men...Now the man that dug the hole, shoulda taken all the soil away, but he left some, so the men that came to relay the bricks had to wait an hour for them to return from another job, to take away the soil....oddly they used the brick layers wheel barrow....not their own...
Just a few drinks...

Any way! Above is a few of my usual boring drinks and breakfast...I'm sooo pleased with my little airfryer, at half price @ £16 from Aldi. Here I've tried sunny side up but probably left it in too long
And seeing my boring food is very much the same, I thought I'd add drinks and food from Daughter and family who are having a week in Copenhagen!
More food below....
 And lots more....they seem to be eating their way around Copenhagen!
Seeing I'm soooo late, that better be it for now. Catch you all later! Hope you all had a great T for TUESDAY!

Saturday, 25 January 2025

I bit of a moan and A FREEBIE! On a Saturday!

 Sorry I haven't blogged much lately. Yesterday was ok, I spent time with daughter Emma, it's her birthday today...Card coming up later I hope. But, I've had it up to my eyebrows all this week, and last week and probably the week before... I wish I was a hedgehog so I can go  hibernate! There are a number of places on line I would tell you NEVER buy from, ever trevor!! Because, in my opinion, they're crooks! Anyway, that's another story....maybe! Instead, in the words by Sydnie Christmas, singing Tomorrow,  'I'll stick out my chin and grin and sayyyyyy...The Sun will come out tomorrow... And draw you a Valentine Hedgehog instead!!! Yes, I know I have done one like this before, but it was a little different. Anyway! Go HERE for the PGN, to down load him/her. Or HERE for the JPeg. Any trouble just email me. No sharing without a watermark, a link back here is always welcome! A comment would be lovely! Have a great 25th of the 25th...Thank you for stopping by.

Friday, 17 January 2025

Fishing you a Happy Birthday Pat!

 It was Pat's Birthday, he loves fishing, so I made him a 'fishy' card from papers found years back in PaperCraft Inspirations.  It's a start on using up the Crafty Stuff I have...although the die cuts on this card are new to me (They just reeled themselves into my basket!) The papers are still freebies, at Gathered, although they've changed their website and it's now quite honestly, pretty jumps about all over the place. You have to sign in, and it says it will send you an email to verify, but I never got one. But I did get in, in the end.
Anyway! back to the card! I started off with two black cards, one smaller than the other and made one of my favourite folds, but this time, instead of cutting one side the larger card in half, I folded it back to make a pocket. Seen below there's a purple tag showing, that's where I put the Gift Card. He also got a cap with 'Fish Whisperer' on it (try saying that ten times fast!)

These papers also had the big fish I used on one of Pat's other Birthday Cards and the link to those fishing papers on that post, still works. this LINK to the paers might work too.

This is the back of the card, it was supposed to be the front, that's why it has the extra purple layer. Never mind, it still works! I don't use the papers that used to come with the magazines, I keep those in ring binders with a link to my laptop, so I can print them out. Most mags now send you to their website to hunt out the freebies...These were printed on 120gsm and 160gsm. Well that's it from me for now. Thank you for stopping by and I fish you a great weekend!

Thursday, 16 January 2025

WOYWW!???? I ask. Do we really know!!? #815

Its a very late 'Whats On Your Worktop Wednesday?!'(or Thursday...Friday??) Can you even see whats on your work top-or even the floor!? No! Yes...I know it's Friday...I think? but never mind! I've had a very difficult week, so let's just throw Caution to the wind, whoever that is ....perhaps they're related to Will....who everyone fires at...! Top picture: I had some happy mail, containing more lables and things, so, instead of doing what I'd started (sorting out boxes of scraps) I stopped that, to sort out where I was going to put the new goodies...

Here's box one...... you name it-it's in there...

And here's box two.....there's another four or five boxes that look almost the same... I've also been making a birthday card....the aftermath of that was spead everywhere...I thought I'd lost a tiny die cut from one of the new sets I had...luckily I found it stuck to the floor with some lowtack tape. I always check the soles of my shoes too...I found a lost earring stuck there last week...Lord knows how long that had been there...

Anyway! The birthday card... here's a sneek peek, I'll show you it all in the next post...Hopefully! Hope your WOYWW day was perfect! Thank you for stopping by!

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

A very Late T for Tuedsay

Yes! I know. I always get the d and the s in Tuesday wrong!! So! Happy T day, on a Thursday and not a Tuesday....although I think this has been posted on a Tuedsay. I've had so much going on all week that I really don't know what day it is! My boring breakfast with an egg this time, and my normal  kombucha tea drink, plus another fruit drink, are above... Started clearing out cupboards, ready for when they start the kitchen remake...Christmas mugs are nearly re-homed, there's just these ones left...
And I started clearing the side drive, ready for when the meter people come next week. They need to put in a pipe, I need to get the presure-hose wet suit and googles...
Seeing was completely covered in pot plants, wheelborrow, boxes, dog pushchair, dustbins and rubbish waiting for the trip to the tip...I think I cleared it quite well...just waiting for the hosedown...

Text came through to take my blood pressure twice a day for two weeks....What is a good reading I want to know. And talking of 'pressure'...then the boiler decided to leak! Not as bad as two Christmas ago, but still very distressing! They are coming out Friday...meanwhile, towels and a bowl are doing a great job...And I'm keeping my eye on the gage 24/7! If the black and red dials touch the boiler leaks!

The kitchen man kitchen is too small for an island, I knew that. I want an extention, but I've been talked down on that (and I don't really want to fill in the pond)'s been suggested that I take my breakfast bar away, where am I going to eat?? Changes are being made to my cooker, fridge, washing machine, dishwasher... When it's all planed out I can go see it on a TV will be fab. Honest. Can't wait. And yes....I will take pictures.

Time for a Hot Chocolate! Hope you all had an exciting T for Tuesday! Hop over to AlteredBookLover to see more, drink and other things...Thank you for stopping by.

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Happy T day...and Happy WOYWW!? #814

 Morning! Afternoon! Evening! Yesterday and Today...Happy, whatever day it is...I'm not sure, as I'm still fighting with Christmas dec's, they really don't want to be put away! So, since about Sunday, I think, I've been trying to get them back into their boxes and up into the attic! It's not a one person thing, so....Happy T day...and Happy WOYWW!? #814 

This was our T Time Spread at Daughter's for Christmas Day evening. Oliver was helping. Above top, is my T for Tuesday's Breakfast.... wasn't sure which drink to choose, so added what I had. (Fridge needed clearing out anyway) I chose Beetroot in the end, as it needed finishing up....Probably drunk too much...did you know it turns your pee, pink!

And this is what I was doing a few minutes ago. This afternoon I had a happy-mail package from Craftstash...two Papersociety Boxes  and two lots of magnets with clear see-through envelopes bundles...These magnet sheets are soooo much thinker than the ones I have been buying, so much so, they wouldn't fit inside their's here's me chomping them down a tad, so I can get them in and close the flap down...
Really very pleased with tomorrow, I'll be back taking all the dec's out of their boxes, putting them in bags and then taking the empty boxes up the ladder to the attic...then the at a time... and refilling the boxes.... I was thinking I'd leave them in the Man-cave or the garage but... I'm getting a new Kitchen! Something my John promised and wanted to do himself. I've been told I need to clear all my kitchen cabinets out so I need the space in the bedrooms, hall, garage, and man-cave for all the kitchen things and boxes of cans and food etc.... my life is never boring...just very complicated! Hope you all have had a Happy T day and a Happy WOYWW!? too. Thank you for stopping by.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

First WOYWW 2025! #813 Happy New Year!


  The First WOYWW!? of 2025! Hope you all had a lovely Holiday Time, and scoffed yourselves silly! Not much going on here, on my work space apart from the usual mess, but I have been busy doing  other 'things' The little card above was a quickie New Years card without the words on it... and below is... craftroom as it is now...and showing off my new cover for my swivel chair...and with a trip to The Works, a few half price things popped into my shopping trolly...(Not that I needed any papers) All ready for next Christmas's Christmas cards...unless I can find the cards I made last year...I mean, the year before... which totally disappeared.

One thing I will try to do this year is Use UP WHAT I HAVE! As I have at least  10 or 12 large Ring Binders, plus smaller ones, all filled to bursting with downloaded or magazine papers..

 I also bought a new smaller tree, as my old one has started breaking up where the branches are joined onto the stem. I'm not sure what I'll be doing with that little tree, it's a bit scrawny! But at least it'll be easier to get down from the attic! That's it from me...late as always. Happy WOYWW And...Happy New Year too. Thank you for stopping by!


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