Well, I am actually sitting in my umm-er craft room...with the cat, Mr Jinx, snoozing...no, he's snoozing, I'm typing this and no.... I'm not going out hunting haggis tonight, as it's gone midnight, and I'm typing this
on my phone! (Tiny tiny screen!) Mainly because, for some reason I haven't been able to get into my blog for the last...trillion years. For some reason by dog walking business's email (which I have virtually wound down now, don't worry! If you're booked in, I'm still doing you!) has been showing at the top of the blog...instead of my dragonsmoore one, so of course, blogger seems to think I'm a newbie and wants me to start a new blog...and there's a load of guff about cookies, and they don't mean chocolate ones, anyway, will try to add a photo now. Oh...there it is, at the bottom! (quickly move that over a bit) This is a scene shot from my phone of my daughter and grand kiddies all sitting on hubby's Silverwing motorbike and having fun. So while I'm here I'll wish daughter a very Happy Birthday... and see you all later...
...now....where's the off button?