Wednesday, 9 November 2011

WOYWW??'s WOMSFC table Instead!

Good Morning What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday!! Can't show you my desk this week, it's manic in my house. We are STILL clearing out the attic and laying thicker insulation... what a job!!! So, instead I'll show you What's On My Sofa, Floor and Coffee table, coz it's tidier than my craft room!! (even though you may not think so!!)
I've been finding boxes and boxes of my doodles from years ago. Before I knew anything about the crafty world of making hand made cards and all the lovely things you could buy, people used to ask me to "make them a card". So I'd draw something, photo copy it, cut it all out and colour it all in (No Promarkers back then) and turn all the bits into cards, and I've still got millions of these in boxes in my attic... time to throw them away!!! (but it's sooo hard!) Mind you, I might revamp some of them!
There's Posters I can't even remember doing, cartoons in mags, which I've saved (a long with the squashed spiders that have squished themselves in between the pages!) {{urghh! shiver!}} as well as my girls birthday cards from the year dot and loads of their paintings, drawings and school work, from play school right up to Uni!
So my living room is covered with piles of ...keep...throw out....don't even look out and charity shop and ebay! (It's not all rubbish!...yes it is!!, yells hubby from the attic hatch....a little muffled as he's wearing one of those masks)
On the coffee table, have to show you, is a bag I designed for a riding shop I used to work for...(back then they had to make plates all etched out to fit into the printer and inked, it was quite a costly thing... and yes, pictures of me my boss took, dressed in the lastest (at the time) riding gear. They were for a magazine advert. Yep...I was thin once!!!
Anyway...this is my What's On My Sofa, Floor, and Coffee table (down the hall and into my craft room) this Wednesday, sorry it's still not 'proper' craftiness.... but hopefully (please!!) I'll be back to crafting week!
If you'd like to join in, and take a look at some fabulous crafty stuff and crafting rooms, just hop over to Julia's Stamping Ground and join in!!! Byeee for now!!


  1. OMG what a lot of stuff - surely that's insulation in itself lol! My hubby would be muttering "bonfire" and waving his lighter round in a threatening manner :c) xx

  2. SO sorry not to have got back to you before now ... thanks for your lovely comments! Debbie #62

  3. Oh now loads of that could be re-cycled into cards, dont throw it all away!!
    have fun with the sorting out, ouch

    and thanks for the lovely comments

    Happy WOYWW

    Lou #46

  4. Hi there. Thanks for sharing your creative space with us this week. I hope the rest of the week goes well and creative too! Once you work your way through everything that is!
    Neil #57

  5. On my! I feel for you. We start building works after Christmas and cannot imagine the crafty chaos I will encounter! Hope peace returns soon! Thanks for the peek! Sarah at 14.

  6. Good luck with your loft. Love the photos of you in the mag!

  7. Blimey, sounds like a job and half. It's a nightmare emptying your attic isn't it. I don't think we'd have any living space left if we did ours!!!!
    It's so hard to throw away treasures.
    Good Luck with it all.
    Hugs Lisax #74

  8. Hi Lyn,
    l would gladly lend you a hand sorting out everything, but l am just a bit too far away! Hope you get everything done before the really bad weather starts. It will be worth it in the end !
    Thank you for the snowman freebie, he's gorgeous !
    Susan x

  9. Oh poor you. I'm the world's worse at throwing stuff out so know how you feel. All I can say is - don't take any notice of him upstairs!!!!
    Hugs Joanne xx

  10. Good luck with your sort out.... I need to do that too... happy woyww. no #1

  11. My Beloved Husband would have to be the one in the loft- and getting stuff out of boxes! Just the thought of a spider treading on me gives me the heeby-jeebys, lol.Have a great week, Shaz

  12. I sure hope you are able to go through and keep many of your doodles at least on the computer. You are just proving to me what a great artist you have been for years.

  13. Yikes Lyn...sounds like this might just keep you busy till next Thanks for the peek and sharing. Hope you are having a wonderful WOYWW.

    xoxo Marjo

  14. Your work areas look just like my brain does most of the time!!!! I love having a good sort through sometimes.... and nothing is rubbish... males just don't understand these things and it is best if we just ignore them in these matters xx

  15. Poor you Lyn. We had to do it when we moved - had been in the house for 24 years with two children and I kept everything. Took forever as I had to look through everything . Hope you are able to get back to crafting soon. Annex
    PS Thanks for the freebie. x

  16. Good luck with the rest of the sort out. It's something I need to do too. Perhaps in the New Year !


  17. Sora, floor and coffee table! Perfect!

  18. PLEASE don't throw anything away. It can be recycled by someone , somewhere...I just KNOW it!

  19. Cleaning out storage is never fun! We have been doing that around here too. It must be kind of fun finding all of those old doodles, though.

  20. You are brave tackling that lot! It took me weeks to sort out garage and it was my hubby refusing to throw anything away. Good luck with the sorting...some of the things look fantastic, so don't be too ruthless!

  21. Wow, I thought I was a hoarder! I too used to be thin and wear riding clothes, and ride horses!

    Cazzy x

  22. If you are going to recycle any of those, please can you recycle the policeman in his car in my direction. We have several police officers in the family. Seriously, though, scan then on to the computer, into folders that make sense to you, and then you can call any of them up at any time. You cannot possible get rid of all those wonderful creations.

  23. I've had a few emails about the Policeman!! He'll be in the store 'revamped' as soon as I can get the waterman on him!!!

  24. Oh dear, It is hard to decide what to throw away, isn't it! I wouldn't be much help, hehe! Sorry there were no real little green men on my blog, just the start of lots of unfinished objet d'art works!

  25. Wow Lyn. That's quite a "mess," and one I can relate to. Throwing all those away is going to be hard, and I'm sure you'll find a use for some of that "stuff." Thanks for the visit yesterday. I'm running behind, as usual.

  26. hahaha I'm not coming to tidy yours until you get that attic fixed up. Anyway next weeks photo will show you what a mess it in now
    Bridget #28

  27. Love all your doodles. Hope you get your craft room back to normal soon. (Hazel WOYWW #89) x

  28. What amazing piles of memories ...i would just sit and go through it for hours ...days even... DD would just throw it into a black sack.

  29. I can imagine the "ugh's" as you found the squashed spiders - me too!
    You can't throw all that memorabilia away, it is too precious. What about scanning it in a folder and then making a disc of it. You never know when it will come in - and what about something for your girls to keep.
    Thanks for sharing "What's in your House" and good luck with the work you are doing. Hugs, Neet #15

  30. Whaddya mean - it's not proper craftiness? Of course it is! You're still doing it - the doodling etc is part of your current crafting with your digi-stamps etc.

    No, it's a fab look back at your past and what you've achieved. Some of that lot is DEFINITELY worth saving (and scrapbooking about?).


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