Wednesday 22 December 2010

WOYWW it's Nearly Christmas! Plus 400 Followers Freebie

Okay, I'm not ready for Christmas and no amount of stalling, walking backwards, going to bed late or getting up very early seems to make the day go any slower or make it any longer. I remember when I was little, being told that it was the longest day (or the shortest day) sent me into a kind of panic! The thought of spending even longer time at school or shorter time doing something I liked would totally freak me out! I even think I once told the teacher that I couldn't possibly stay any longer as I'd miss my bus home and my mum didn't know that the day was longer...! Of course everybody laughed. Now I know the day isn't actually longer or shorter...well, I don't think it is... but weeks do seem to fly by, as it's Wednesday already! and time for What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday, bringing a bit of sanity (or insanity) to the middle of the week!
This is What's On my Workdesk this Wednesday... It's not too bad, is it!?! Still colouring a few last minute cards and making tags as I've misplaced the ones I bought... Want to join in? (that's with WOYWW, not making tags...although you're quite welcome!) Then hop over to Julia's Stamping Ground, but be warned...the week will go even faster! Meanwhile, Mrs Dunnit, how did you get that bit of holly artwork on your Titles??? Very Cool....
Sorry You Missed this Freebie
Celebrating over 400 followers
Look out for the 500 followers freebie

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!!
from Spyder's Corner
Please don't share my Digi's send
people here to download them

Just had to show you this lovely card by PinkLilac.
Fabulous! Click here to see the inside too!!


  1. I'm sure every day gets a little shorter as we get older so maybe I should start walking backwards from now on? :-)
    Hope you and yours have a really wonderful Christmas and 2011 brings you all you wish yourselves.
    A x

  2. I find that a messy desk is a productive desk, well most of the time anyways lol.. Happy woyww and Happy Christmas too, congrats on all your followers

  3. I know all about misplacing things... I've had to buy more tools and open more reels of tape and forget about trying to find things in the hope that they'll turn up in their own good time.
    However, hand made tags will be better than bought ones any day!
    Wishing you and yours a blessed Christmas!

  4. hi Lyn
    dont worry babe Im not ready either!
    I spend more time searchign for things on my desk/floor than making anythign at times lol

    Merry Christmas to you and yours
    mandi xx

  5. Well i am a memeber also of the not ready group and time waits for no man,....lolAnyways fab desk thanks for the most adorable digi sooo cute ideal for new year cards still got 2 to make.
    Jus t to say Have A Very Merry christmas Hun & AHappy ,Healthy,Crafty New Year
    Love n hugs judex8

  6. Just spent too long trying to find some TH paper (stack) and given up. Bah humbug!
    Maybe walking backwards will help me - need something to put more hours in the day. Bog-eyed with getting up early to try to extend the day.

    Merry Crimbo!

  7. hEHe, I can relate been there done that The dangers of a crafty productive workspace.

    Thanks for the peek and sharing. Happy Holidays and crative crafting in the New Year.

    Hugs, Marjo #5

  8. Well done on having so many loyal followers.

    Seasons Greetings to you and all 400+ of them!


  9. Wow 400 ...well done. Have to say that I'm not a good colourer but you free down loads made two sick little boys very happy ...I printed them A4 and gave them some crayons ...brilliant
    Thanks ...and I hope you have a wonderful Xmas xx

  10. Hope you manage to get done everything that really needs doing and have happy Christmas and a fab, crafty New Year

  11. Hope you can fin everything in time. i can see lots of beautiful coloured images on your table :)

  12. Lovely coloring on your desk - huh I lost my tags twice already (put them where I could find them - NOT) but I know where they are now ( I think!)! Thank you for the lovely freebie and all the freebies we got all through the year! It was a lovely journey and fun WOYWWing and so great to have lovely friends! Merry Christmas Lyn!

  13. I'm so far behind I bought the stick on gift tags from the supermarket! Maybe I should start next year's cards now, then I might be done in time!
    Happy WOYWW and Merry Christmas!
    Susan xxox #9

  14. I love your long/short story, so amusing. Just how children think although I must admit I still think like a child. Does that mean I haven't grown up or am soooo old that I've gone backwards?????
    Hugs Joanne xx

  15. Congrats on all your followers and thank you for the freebie its lovely. Have a great Christmas & New Year - big hugs xx

  16. Walking backwards to make the time go slower sounds a great trick to me, if you master it, let us know!
    Happy Christmas to you and your family.

  17. Thank you for the image! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  18. Ooooo LOVE your work desk!! Lots of creative stuff going on here :)

    I'm #50 this week. Please stop by and take a look when you get a chance :)

    Merry Christmas

  19. Happy Christmas!!!! Funny, isn't it, how our craft making skills come into their own when we need a few tags for gifts!!!

  20. Wishing you luck on feeling more caught up (whether you or not) - thanks so much for the snoop. S #31

  21. I really hate to point out to you that yesterday actually WAS the shortest day as it was the Winter Solstice!!! Lol!

    Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

    Brenda 45

  22. Girlfriend, I love this week's freebie! it's perfect for me since I didn't get Christmas cards sent out, now I can do New Year cards in January! and since we have a new baby kitty, it's perfect for us! Thanks so much, Paula

  23. I am finding this week to be very long. The tags look great. #58

  24. Hi Lyn you are right your desk is pretty tidy for you, but looks as though you are busy colouring though. I hope you have a wonderful Xmas, fab digi stamp to, thanks for that. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx

  25. I love that shortest day story - bless little Spyder! Lovely artwork as always, and thanks for filling our art coffers over the year.

    Bernie #59

  26. I'm right there with you, dear. I am not ready either. But I'm here to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy holiday.

  27. yip i think it is gonna pass me by in a blur this year with one thing and another.

    Hope you have a lovely day on saturday - long or short!

    caroline #63

  28. Hi, having gone through more Christmasses than I choose to remember I can only say that from experience everything that has to be done gets done, and what doesn't you didn't need to do anyway - and nobody will notice or care because they will be having too much of a good time. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a enjoyable day. Elizabeth #51

  29. Love the coloring going on at your desk. Aren't childhood memories never have to make the same mistakes over again, and they become more precious as years go by. Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas to #2!

  30. Aha, we are alike, the shortest and longest day thing - I was the same. Still don't much trust the shortest day!! The holly and candy canes and blah are all part of a free blog layout design from LeeLou blogs there's a link right at the very centre top on my was FABULOUSLY easy to install, and I lost no gadgets or pics!
    Love that you're making tags too, I guess I will be till we leave the house on Christmas Morning!!

  31. Loved reading your post and know exactly what you mean! Have a great Christmas,
    love JoZarty x

  32. Never tried walking backwards... but with my lack of grace and coordination I'd probably fall over, so it's maybe better that I don't. The desk looks very productive!

  33. Your desk looks vert busy Lyn, thanks for the fab freebie too

    Happy Christmas to you and yours
    Hugs Jackie x

  34. Lovely freebie. Thanks and Merry Christmas.

  35. I know how you feel Lyn, I nowhere near ready for the Big Day yet lol. Thanks for the freebie :)

    Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas & a Happy, Healthy New Year!


  36. Does't look so bad for someone who is still working away. I can never figure out how to downsize the freebies. Have a great Christmas.

  37. Another lovely freebie, always appreciated. Lots happening on your desk. The shortest day has been and gone a big sigh of relief.

  38. Love your tags on the desk and the colouring - thanks for the freebie and have a great Christmas however organised your are! Nicky ~ 52

  39. /love the Forever friends drawing and your digi is really great too.

  40. I believe someone took days out of the calendar because there is no way Christmas is Saturday. And I'll join you in making tags, right after I get the gifts wrapped!

    Thank you for the image.

  41. Thanks for the infor on the digi sizing!! I will give it a go later and let you know if I figured it out. #70

  42. Hi Lyn

    Thanks for visiting my desk all these while and wanting to leave comments for me. I am so glad that you found the way around the problem.

    I am moved to be able to connect with crafter like you thru blogging.

    Wishing a Merry Christmas and a fabulous 2011!


  43. congratulations on having 400 followers! your digi's are great and i always find myself looking for the little spider in them. wishing you a blessed and joyful Christmas! may the coming year bring all the best for you!

  44. I'm always losing things too, in spite of thinking I'm an organized person! I once "lost" my light table! How is that possible?!?! LOL Your desk looks like the workplace of a genius, and that's all there is to it!
    Thanks for sharing this fun little digi, along with all the others you've done! I hope your generosity is returned to you ten-fold!
    Happy Holidays and a healthy, prosperous New Year too! ((hugs))

  45. Congrats on the 400 followers! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    Thanks for the digi:)

  46. Fab busy desk ... I am not ready either!!!
    Fab digi and Merry Christmas,
    Cathy xx

  47. Oh I so envy all your crafty toys, specially the stamps!! And thank you so very much for the free digi!! I so hope I get time to use before the year is through, it's so cute!!

    Happy Holidays! :D
    Tracey #94

  48. Hey Spydie! (the Broadway show named after you---- well, Spiderman---- isn't doing so well in previews.....another actor hurt in the crazy flying contraptions they're trying to use, but I digress...) Love seeing your glittery projects and clear stamps....I'm beginning to like that type of stamp a lot....Happy Holidays! And thx for popping by! *smile*

  49. thanks for this jolly fellow. have great Christmas, we all get there in the end. Elaine

  50. Thanks for sharing. Have a fantastic Christmas!

  51. I'm still working on some things for Christmas too, but as I get older, I do what I can and don't much sweat what I can't lol. That said I have till Jan. 6 for cards to arrive (that's my story and I'm sticking to it lol).

    TFS! #65 :D

  52. Yay Spyder, congrats on the 400 followers and thanks for another digi thing.... always wish I knew how to use them as they are soooo cute!
    Merry Christmas to You and Yours, Annette #35

  53. Great story, it had me laughing out loud.
    The days are definitely flying by, I have only today to get all my craft stuff out of the kitchen and here I sit on line. Guess that explains why time flies for me. LOL

    Merry Christmas.

  54. your long day story made me laugh. LOVE it! Have a great Christmas. Moira x

  55. Love your story telling as always Lyn, and I've just been reading about John's amazing gravy too - you're in for a real treat on Christmas Day Lyn!!
    Congrats. on your 400+ followers - I'm not at all surprised as your blog is a joy to visit. Have the most fantastic Christmas ever, and here's wishing you and yours a happy and peaceful 2011.
    Loadsa love and hugs, Sylvia xxxxx

  56. A clean desk is a sign of a sick mind!! My mind (and yours) must be very healthy. Your digis are so cute, thanks for sharing.


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