The week-end whizzed by so quickly I nearly missed it! Saturday, we put Auntie Brenda to rest next to Uncle Bunny, and then in fine family tradition, we all when down the pub to remember her, the main topic being her episode with the
Spanish loo. I feel I can mention it here, seeing the vicar (wearing sandals and orange and green striped socks) told the congregation at her funeral in such flowery detail, you'd think he'd been there!
The story begins with June, John's mum, Brenda's sister, putting her money into the slot of one of those automatic loos. As the loo doors opened, Brenda could be heard saying, very fast, in her Dorset tones...
'How much is that? You're not paying that! I'm not paying that, are you paying that! No, am not paying that!'.
A few minutes later, June came out...and Brenda, not wanting to '
pay that' slipped in.. The doors automatically closed with a swoosh, then to every one's horror the loo began to wash itself from top to bottom! Over the sounds of the

gushing water, Auntie Brenda could be heard calling for help!! Nothing could open the doors once this started and
nothing was left unwashed!
A few moments later the doors opened to reveal Auntie Brenda drenched from her new kiss-me-quick sun hat, perfect hair and make up, right down to her new shoes and handbag. There she stood, dripping, sodding wet, her new hat, floppy, her hair, like rats tails, her make-up running down her face, her hand bag and shoes filled with water! Everyone just roared with laughter, they cried tears they laughed so much...Auntie Brenda said nothing, then, as she rung out her kiss-me-quick hat she added,
'I wouldn't mind...but I didn't even
Aunty Brenda didn't have an awful lot. We've inherited a few pot plants, some odd vases, a very long shoe horn, one of those long handled grabbing things, (both very handy!) loads of tins of buttons, sticky tape, glue, curtain rings, knitting needles and rolls of elastic! A fridge, a washer /drier, four old televisions sets, a gold chain, a coffee table and a very tall plant, which has this weird way of telling us where it likes to be, so she'll never be forgotten!

Sunday, John was happy, we packed a picnic and boarded 'Wight Light' in my little car and spent the day driving around the Isle of Wight, of course everything was closed but we had great day out... which meant I didn't get much crafting done at all! So I cheated a bit with this card, covered in Pink Petticoat papers and a Penny Black
Stickeroo. I've had them for ages, the frogs, the little hedgehogs and the cats. I just love them and didn't really want to part with them! And this one is
soooo cute, it's gone off to a forum buddy, for her birthday... hoped she liked it!