Tuesday 8 October 2024

A Very Quick T stands for Tuesday!


 It's still Tuesday...so Happy T stands for Tuesday! Once more I have two four legged friends staying, having great fun (not me!) in all this rain! And Thursday, I'm off house/dog sitting but not for long....So, here's what I can add to T stands for Tuesday...my 'boring breakfast', as always...and now that I've found out that Aldi no longer sell my favourite Cold Press drink, I think I'll go back to making my own. Just have to use up what I've already bought from Tesco's...something simular, while it's half price, once it goes back to its real price, that'll be it!

What they did have in Aldi was a Milk Frother. Over the years I've had a few of them, they don't last long, so if I see one that's a bit cheaper than it normally is... it jumps into my basket! Yes, I know it looks like whipped cream, but it's milk (Hot Chocolate) ...lovely and frothy! I haven't any other drinks to show this week, so will wish you a very Happy T day!! Pop over to Elizabeth and Bleubeard and see more! Thank you for stopping by.

Wednesday 2 October 2024

WHat's In Your Worktop WeDneSday #800!!!

 Yes! It's WOYWW #800!!! Can you believe it!? Above is how my worktop is now, today. I was going to try and 'do something crafty' but ran out of time! So, I'm showing you my very first WOYWW Desk from waaay back here!  in 2010/02/! when I used the bigger bedroom...I can't make the pictures any bigger, but you can see, my work top is just as messy!! In fact....there's a lot of the same stuff in these older pictures. Maybe it's time I had a VERY BIG clear out!

Then I found these pictures from 2011 when we made something to swap and I made "my craft room in a box"
I was quite chuffed with this make, 'specially adding that spider!
As you can see, it's still a messy craftroom...but super tiny! So!! pop over to Sarah's Craft Shed and see what everyone else has been up to!Happy 800th WOYWW!? Thank you for stopping by!

T stands for Tuesday, Taps, and a dickyTv,

 Morning, afternoon and evening! or....some time in the night. Forgot to post to Elizabeth and Bleubeard,  didn't I? Bit busy. Leaky taps, telly on the blink, sound but no picture...Rat attacks...but I won't go into that! And, four footed friends visiting. My normal fruit and veg drinks have been out of stock for ages again...I'll have to buy in bulk! I did go back to a  different MockingBird Raw Press... containing, Kiwi, Kale, Broccoli, Apple, plus vitamine C. And I did also whizzz up my own recipe, with added milled Flax Seeds, but forgot to take a picture, so.... Here's a couple of drinks sent from Sis in law, who's been away somewhere hot for the last two weeks...lucky devil!
Another 'T' I'm adding here is all about water, is my new tap fitting, the old one was leaking badly...and took me ages to get off the tap, so now, no more leaks!
The electrician came last week...and fitted an outside double plug, so I can reach the top of the garden with the electic mower. (The battery one doesn't like the rougher grass and the petrol one went to the tip months ago)  
 And of course I can use it for other things as well. I also wanted him to look at the pond, which keeps fusing, so hasn't run for months. If turned on to activate the water fall and pump, it lasts for about 30 seconds and the fusebox in the garage turns it off. In the end, I decided it wasn't worth it, and to leave it, but he said, 'Well, turn it on, and let me see,' Guess what?? It's now been on for over a week!! Which is why I bought the new tap thingy, as the water in the 'well' (an old dustbin) empties out quicker than the flow from the pond fills it up... so there's a cock and ball thingy, which opens up to allow extra water in when it is needed. The yellow hose above travels under ground to  the 'well' and the green hose is attached to the garden hose and is not switched on. 
We also had a village garden/house/garage sale, but I chickened out and had a wizzy-fit as most of the stuff was John's... so I packed it up and instead had a walk around the village and bought two baragins of the week, A long armed pruner plus saw attachment, still in its packaging for £8 (they're normanly about £50 new) and this four drawer little storage box for £3. Bargain! I might paint it later.

Two more pictures....one of the four pawed visitors...Rose.

 and the last of my Tomatoes...

Not a lot of tea but just 'time' doing stuff! Sorry I'm soooo late, pop over to Altered Book lover where you'll find proper crafty stuff! and join in! Thank you for stopping by!

Tuesday 24 September 2024

It's Tuesday Again...and Time for T

 Morning everyone. Yes, I've been missing for ages, I had little furballs staying again and I just didn't have any time to blog or do anything else! ...but, they've gone now soooo... here's  my usual 'boring breakfast' and my fruit and veggies drinks, (no tea today) so I can join in with T stands for Tuesday!....Oops no! This is yesterday's breakfast! (how can I tell!?) I had a Crafty package arrive! (goodies inside) So fast forward to today's picture...

 Packet unpacked... slightly different fruit drinks with 'boring breakfast' this morning, so what was inside the packagae, amoung other things?? this ink pad shelving unit. It took me all day to put it together... No, it didn't, not really. There should've been some little screws, so, while I went out to help with some other furballs, I bought some wood glue... that wasn't needed after all, as after hunting in Hubbies garage/workshop, I found some tiny screws and it all went together quite well.  My next job is to finish naming and labelling all the inks.
Now, I know I'm a very messy crafter...everything's piled up in a heap everywhere, but I do like my inks to be named AND  the lids put on the right way round, so you can see the ink name on the lid, it mustn't be put on upside down or sideways! That's it for now, pop over to Altered Book lover, there's some puuuurfect cat mugs to see! Dentist tomorrow and then the electrcian is coming....Thursday? I'm helping with more furballs,  and Friday?? I think I might have time to do something else! Have a good week! Thank you for stopping by!

Thursday 12 September 2024

Its a Tuesday T Day and a Wednesday What's on Yours #797-again....

 Okay, I'm home from not being home. (House/Dog sitting) It's surprising how much stuff one takes with one for a two week stay at someone elses! I'm still unpacking. So!! Coz of werid internret goings on, and that my mouse wouldn't work for some reason. (I use a mouse, as that 'move around with your finger thing' never, and I mean, NEVER goes where I want it to) First, sorry for being so late and not getting round to every body and also freebie less...I will make up for it, at some point! Hello WOYWWers. Not much on my work top as I'm still unpacking stuff that you've already seen... but I did buy another trolly from Aldi at £7.99!!!.... (In black or white, but they've gone back to being 12.99 now) Still, if Hobby Craft ever have a half price sale on their lilac trollies, I'll be in there like a jackrabbit on speed! (or maybe not) I also did a bit of sorting out and put some of my Lawn Fawn dies in magnetic pockets and I've been playing with my blog background again...just wish blogger did something a little bit more exciting in purple that will fit! **My wish has been answered! I found how to make it purple!!! YAY! But I will keep changing it.

I can't miss T for Tuesday so, instead here's T for Thursday, coz it will be by the time I post this. (Elizabeth and Bleubeard hosting)  It's my last breakfast at my dog/house sitting. They'd sold out again of the ColdPress fruit, tea, veg drink, which I really love, so I tried this 'Mockingbird' one from Tesco's... bit dearer that the others...tastes??? o....k... I say slowly, but I won't be buying it again. Virgin juice, crafted with Mandarin, Lemon Balm,  Carrot, Ginger, Turmeric, and Orange...There's also a 'doggie with a Bone'  cup of tea and my usual 'Pains Au Chocolat' with extra Nuttella! And for all of you who said you love dipping a spoon into the Nutella jar....Me Too!! "Oh Yum" I even gave away a whole jar to my Grandkiddies to stop me from doing that! But...Tesco's had the larger jar on offer. 

Sunday (John's anniversary of passing way) I put this Heart shaped arrangement on his stone... it isn't real, as the deer eat any flowers put down. I thought it looked really pretty. I had lunch with family to wish John a 'miss you so much' toast with red wine and some champers. (Not me coz I had to drive home) Debbie bought the red wine as it was one of John's favourites.."It was sooo cheap, a bargain," she said...only....instead of a box of full bottles arriving, only tiny half bottles turned up... making them really very expensive! Debbs said, I bet John's up there in Heaven laughing!! And with that...I'll say, 'Thank you for stopping by!

Wednesday 4 September 2024

What's On YourWork Top This week?? #796-And a bit of T for Tuesday too!

 It's Wednesday, And WOYWW strikes again! I think...not sure. And also the week of the second anniversary of John passing on and not ever coming back. I tell myself that every day but still find it very hard to believe. Because I'm away I haven't done anything worth showing really but I will otherwise my poor Blog will think I've abandoned  it, again! A different kitchen table this week. but the same things. I have managed to add two more completed gentlemen cats with acetate windows and cut out some freebies too. 

 And, so I can add T stands for Tuesday too, I've added my boring ol' breakfast, also on a different kitchen top...and with different plates and cups... but the same drinks. Also I was VERY naughty and bought some Nuttella....so my little warmed bun ozzes hot choclate! The lidded Tubberware orange/yellow mug, I use to mircowave my eggs! That's over 45 years old that mug! Honest! Off out now to visit the dogs 'dad' who's in a Care home, they really love visiting him! There's a dog party happening later in the week. They'll love that too! Thank you for stopping by!

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Whats On My Worktop, in the sunroom this wednesday! #795

Afternoon Wednesday WoyWWers!  Check in over on Sarah'sCraft Shed and join in! I'm house sitting and dog sitting and have just set up my laptop in the sunroom....where the only internet link that works for me is in the bedroom/office/sitting room upstairs above me! I brought a few crafty things with me, which I can cut out, ready to turn into something else.  The paper and card sets you can see in the picture come from Aldi. I always get them when they  have them. It's very hot in the sunroom! I have the doors open but still have to keep my eyes on the dogs, just in case they see a squirrel, or a deer or a fox, coz they'll be off after it!! Happy WOYWW!? Thank you for stopping by!

Tuesday 27 August 2024

It's Tuesday....Time For tea...

We had a bank holiday Monday yesterday, so I lost a whole day thinking yesterday was Sunday and today was Monday....oops! Luckily I realised in time, as tomorrow...being Wednesday, I'm off House sitting! So I'm packing up stuff I'll need, and of course some crafty goodies to play with while I'm there.  Anyway! It's never too late for T on Tuesday, hosted by Elizabeth and Bleubeard. Above is my 'Boring Breakfast' The supermarket was sold out of my latest fruit and veg drink, (ColdPress) for three whole days, so I thought I'd try 'Super Smoothie, Innocent'. (Kiwi,Cucumber, Apple, Mathcha (tea powder) and flax seeds, with vitamins. I Googled that, and Google suggested that we eat our fruit and not drink it because of the sugar content in it. But, they gave my other tea fruit drink (with Elderberry and lemon and other flavours, seen in the picture) a thumbs up, so I think I'll just stick to Kombucha (sugar free) from now on....So! Not much is happening here. My crafty mojo has gone walk about... hopefully I'll find it soon... Have a Happy Tuesday!  Thank you for stopping by!


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