Yes, Spot The Difference! I haven't done a Spot The Difference in years!! I found this donkey and thought, quick! Scan him in and put him out as a freebie. Or, why not have a game with him! Either send me an email (dragonsmoore at gmail dot com) with the differences or add them in the comments (which is turned off... only the ones with no answers can be seen, the others will be added after the game has finished). You have a week!There's a very faint watermark, which shouldn't spoil the game. (It isn't in the same place or size so doesn't count!) Have fun! The winner, classed as the first one to get everything right, gets to choose any five digis from my store Spyder's Other Corner...the runners up, get to choose any 99p digi from the store. No...I'm not telling you how many differences there are!! (I always get them wrong anyway!) Don't forget to comment! AND No sharing on any sharing sites please!! Thank you for stopping by!! You can have as many goes as you like!! CLOSED
Hello everyone.
Here with a DT project for LITTLE RED WAGON and this week our lovely Brenda
is hostess and her theme is _ ALL TIED UP...that means, twin...
17 hours ago